Tuesday, February 8, 2011


When I was about 12 year old I liked to cycle everywhere I go.  One afternoon, on the way back home from school, I went through a back lane of a roll of shops on my bicycle.  Suddenly a car drove by  me and the driver was trying to stop me for help.  I was a very helpful person since young, so I stopped my bicycle.  I saw an uncle in his late 40s sitting in the driver seat.  He was holding a letter and showing me an address on the letter to ask for direction.  I got near to his side window to look at the address.  I was concentrating on the address, but  realized that I couldn’t help coz the address was in Cheras while we were at Ampang.  I didn’t think too much at that point of time…. But, wait a minute, at the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something that I didn’t really know how to describe.  Familiar? Not really, I think  I have seen something like that before but a very small version… I was not sure… Ugly?  Definitely, but why wasn’t this uncle cover it properly?  Messy?  Ya, I thought it was quite messy.  It looked like a lump of swollen meat, a bit like the chee cheong fun’s type of spring roll and fish balls (but the swollen version), looked at the size, it could be painful.  Hmm… I thought this uncle was sick…. There were a lot of question marks in my head but I calmed myself down, pretended l didn’t see anything and told the uncle “Sorry, I can’t help.”

I continued cycling home with thousands of question marks in my head.

That evening I told my mum, “Mum, this afternoon one uncle asked me for direction.  I saw him sitting in the car with his “down there” exposed.  His “down there” was very big and swollen until he couldn’t zip his pants.  I think he is sick, so poor thing.”  My mum looked at me with her jaw dropped.  “My dear, this uncle is not physically sick, he is mentally sick!!”

Hahaha!!! Stupid flasher got a wrong target, this 12 year old is too innocent to understand or scare of his penis :D  I am sure he felt unsatisfied and incomplete after that incident.


Au Kar Wai said...

He must be extremely traumatized and probably feeling inferior till today ;p

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shirleyc said...

Haven't exposed to those things yet mah.... i am very good now :D